My Very Cute PetFriends

Monday, August 15, 2005

Morning walks had been an excitement for COLA. We used to walk in the morning if there's no rain or if I've some time. When the floor is wet after the rain during midnight, I usually don't bring him for walks. Then he'll feel disappointed, he'll give me the 'sad' look when I closed the main door before him and off to work.

After a walk this morning, we were at the Lift area of our block, about to press for Lift, suddenly saw a white cat from far with his fur all standing and he was dashing towards us and COLA was looking elsewhere, he was not aware at all...

I quickly gave a jerk on the leash then he turn & looked and saw this very defensive stray.
COLA started barking at him but the more COLA barked the closer he gets and the higher his fur would stand !!! He even roll up his eyes and looked at me! Oh my! Even I was standing behind my COLA, that stray cat just don't give a dam! I ever thought of stomping my feet to scare him away but didn't do so. Reason being: That cat is really very fierce, I'm afraid that he may raise his paw with sharp nails to scratch me!!!

Then he was station at this pose (above photo) and didn't move further, so I hurried COLA to get into the open Lift. Even when we got into the Lift before the door could totally shut, that stray still looked at us with his fiery eyes! (as if we kill his son). Hew!! What a narrow escape!