My Very Cute PetFriends

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Separation Is Painful

In many situations people need to be separated from their love ones NOT the life & death type. Those that only be separated for a while, eg. little children cried when they are send to school and mummy couldn't follow them. When their mummy come and fetch them home, they're so joyful.

Sometimes I'm just wondering does animals know what they are going thru...

Seeing my PEPSI having "Heat" is such a pain, I've to separate my COLA with her and bring him to another place for "Holiday" at least a months' time.

So now, PEPSI is all alone in the house with no companion, no one to fight with, no one to snatch treats with!
Always looking outside the corridor, waiting for COLA...

Poor thing, also she always waiting for me to be home, at least I can accompany her.

COLA in another hand staying in my mother's house also don't get much freedom like own home. He'll be leash during the day because my parents are working, during the night he's also leash when they are alsleep!! My mother are afraid that he'll mess up the house!! Actually, when he's at home, he have all the freedom to walk from Living room to Kitchen to my room!!!

But he have my father's dog PEPPER to accompany him. They sometimes fight & seldom play, they common things they do is when PEPPER wallk, COLA will follow behind him!! Don't ask me why, I also don't know, they just love to do that.
Hoping for PEPSI's Heat over and COLA can come back....