My Very Cute PetFriends

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Shower Fear !!

Having shower actually is enjoyable and also play time for most of the animals.

Cats lick their fur to keep clean and they enjoy licking. Chinchillas love to roll themselves in the dust powder and that's how they shower. All animals take bath / shower and they have no complain about it.

Some people mentioned : "Dogs really have their sense of routine". My dog; PEPSI hate taking shower and she knows that every Thursday afternoon is my off day and shortly after I reach home, she would go under the cupboard or under my bed.

Then I've to use treats to trick her! She sometime even don't believe that I'm really giving her that piece treat, she would then stood still from a distance. I have to say something to assure her that 'no shower today' or throw the treats near her then she'll eat it. Or she'll quickly pick up that treats and run under some cupboards or chairs!

Whenever PEPSI is having shower, my male dog COLA will be very excited. He can't wait till she's done, he then walk into the wet bathroom and smell her and that make me very angry! So each time when PEPSI takes shower, I'll have to leash him aside.

Then he'll wait patiently outside! When she's out, he'll make circles turns and wanting to get near her.

Every week getting her to take shower is CHALLENGE!!!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Why Never Extinct

Over a Million years, Dinosaurs have already extinct. Lots of other creatures and pest has gone into extinction too. Why only one irritating pest still live until today in the modern world?

And it is well know to each & every household and also world wide (every country have their appearance & nest). The best and most scary part is they’ve got WINGS; they fly from household to household!!

There are lots of methods to get rid of them but seem like none of it can last forever.
Like using Pandan Leaf, Lemon Grass, Moth Balls, Catcher or even the Spray….. Sometime you must change the method if they gotten to use to it.

At times before an earthquake shrike (somewhere around the region), there’re always lots of them coming out. Once, my female dog murdered ½ a dozen of them. They were all over my kitchen floor lying upside down (some were half dead, some were missing their feet). That time, after counted to the number 5, I was having cold sweat. After that I was really stress about seeing another one, I was always on a lookout, wherever my PEPSI was starring at a point for a long time! OH NO!…

In the morning before I even step out of my room, I’ll look at the kitchen floor, just to make sure there isn’t any of them lying around then I walk in… It’s been long time I didn’t see any of them until today. My PEPSI murdered 3 of them last mid-night, I’ve to clear them away and clearing process make my shiver.